Singing Guide: The Isley Brothers

Singing Guide: The Isley Brothers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing like The Isley Brothers

The Isley Brothers are pioneers of contemporary R&B and soul. Known for their tight harmonies, soulful crooning, and unique blend of gospel, funk, and rock, they remain one of the most influential groups in modern music.

Analyze Your Voice

Before you start singing, you need to know your voice type and vocal range. Take the Vocal Range Test on Singing Carrots to determine your range and compare it with The Isley Brothers. Knowing your voice type will help you choose the right key and style of the song.

Breathing Basics

Proper breathing technique is important for singing. The Breathing Basics article on Singing Carrots explains active and passive breathing techniques, which help you control your diaphragm and support your voice.

Vocal Registers and Vocal Break

The Isley Brothers use a mix of falsetto, head voice, and chest voice to create their signature harmonies. Learn more about Voice Registers and Vocal Break to identify your own vocal registers and transition between them seamlessly.

Warm-Up and Practice Starter

The Farinelli Breathing video exercise is a great way to warm up and practice breathing. The 3 Minute Warm-Up video helps you get your voice ready with some simple exercises.

Singing Techniques

The Isley Brothers use a variety of techniques to create their signature sound. Here are some specific techniques you can practice:

  • Vibrato: Vibrato is a slight variation of pitch. Singing Carrots offers two videos on Bouncing exercise: beggars bounce and Bouncing exercise: diaphragm bounce to teach you how to add vibrato to your voice.
  • Twang: Twang is a bright and nasal sound that adds emphasis to certain notes. The How to Twang Exercise video exercise helps you master this technique.
  • Mixed Voice: The Isley Brothers often use mixed voice to change their range without cracking or breaking their voice. The Voice Break and Mixed Voice videos teach you how to master the technique.
  • Breath Support: Proper breath support is crucial for singing. The Sustain Vocal video exercise helps you develop your breath control and support.

Song Choice

Choosing the right song is essential to sing like The Isley Brothers. Start with their most popular songs, like "Shout", "Twist and Shout", and "It's Your Thing". Check out Singing Carrot's Search Songs tool to find other songs in your vocal range and genre preference.

Don't forget to practice regularly and stay healthy. Singing Carrots offers a Vocal Health article that explains how to prevent vocal damage and maintain healthy habits. Good luck and keep singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.